If you are referring to pigeons that are difficult to get rid of or control, there are a few things you can try:
1. Identify the source of food and water: Pigeons are attracted to food and water sources, so it's important to identify and eliminate these sources. Make sure there is no food or water left out for them to access.
2. Install bird spikes: Bird spikes are an effective way to prevent pigeons from landing on surfaces like roofs, ledges, and windowsills. The spikes make it uncomfortable for the birds to perch, causing them to move on.
3. Use bird netting: Bird netting is a physical barrier that can be installed to prevent pigeons from entering specific areas. This is particularly useful for large spaces like warehouses or outdoor areas.
4. Try a deterrent: There are many different types of bird deterrents available, including visual and audio deterrents. Some people have success with using reflective tape, fake predators like owls or snakes, or even noise-making devices like ultrasonic bird repellents.
5. Seek professional help: If you are having difficulty controlling the pigeon population, it may be necessary to seek help from a professional pest control company. They will have access to more specialized methods and equipment to eliminate the problem.
It's important to note that it's illegal to harm or kill pigeons in many places, so make sure to follow local laws and regulations when dealing with these birds.